Latest Episodes

Hoping For God's Best In Our Leaders (Part 1)
HOPE. It is the confident expectation of better days ahead. Faith in Christ is filled with an endless hope – and believe it or...

The Easter Principle
You have to die if you want to live. You will never experience new life in Christ unless you first experience a death to...

Four Confessions Of A Hopeful Church
SCRIPTURE TELLS US FAITH, LOVE, AND HOPE ARE ALL IMPORTANT… So today we begin a fresh focus with a series in 1 Thessalonians on...

Questions and Answers on God's Will!
To what degree is God in control of specific details of my future? How do I know whether it is MY desire versus the...

8 Principles to Build Your Life On
Do you wonder if your decisions are bringing glory to God? Or consider the 90s adage, WWJD – “what would Jesus do?” The good...

The Way of Wisdom
The key to making difficult choices? It’s not flipping a coin but rather, wisdom God expects His children to use what He has provided...