Latest Episodes
Hoping For God's Best In Our Church - Part 2
God is still working in His Church. And God calls His church to walk worthy of His Word, with passion, perseverance, and faithfulness. A...
Hoping For God's Best In Our Leaders (Part 1)
HOPE. It is the confident expectation of better days ahead. Faith in Christ is filled with an endless hope – and believe it or...
The Easter Principle
You have to die if you want to live. You will never experience new life in Christ unless you first experience a death to...
Four Confessions Of A Hopeful Church
SCRIPTURE TELLS US FAITH, LOVE, AND HOPE ARE ALL IMPORTANT… So today we begin a fresh focus with a series in 1 Thessalonians on...
Questions and Answers on God's Will!
To what degree is God in control of specific details of my future? How do I know whether it is MY desire versus the...
8 Principles to Build Your Life On
Do you wonder if your decisions are bringing glory to God? Or consider the 90s adage, WWJD – “what would Jesus do?” The good...