Latest Episodes

God's Money! Use it Effectively
Does thinking about finances fill you with dread? Are you stuck in debt, or the rat race trying to get ahead? Let this truth...

Earn It Honestly
More than 2000 verses in the Bible speak about money. In a world full of get rich quick schemes, cutting corners and sneaky scammers,...

View It Vertically
A major struggle for many of us? Money. And the root is something the Jesus Himself had a lot to say about. The truth...

On Bended Knee
Did you know – your prayer life is not dependent on your ability to articulate to God? He loves to listen and answer your...

Lamb of Heaven
While we scramble around last minute for the holidays, God isn’t worried or anxious. He rules and oversees every aspect of our world from...

Where Would We Be Without Christmas?
Where would we be without Christmas? How dark would this world be without the light of Christ? What would we do if we didn’t...