If the End Times fills you with fear, don’t despair. Every person who is alive in Christ will be rescued by the rapture, to watch in safety from the balconies of Heaven.
The truth of God’s Word and His plan is our everlasting comfort, because Hope Springs Eternal!
Let’s continue our journey into 1 Thessalonians and hold on to the hope that only Jesus can deliver…
Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith.
For more information on James MacDonald Ministries, or to subscribe for devotionals and ministry updates visit: jamesmacdonaldministries.org
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Strongholds are fortified patterns of thinking that are stubbornly resistant to God’s Word and God’s will. Wherever you’re stuck, whether a destructive sin or...
No stronghold is a match for God’s Word. The Bible verses in this never-aired teaching series from James MacDonald are so powerful, when you...
Jesus Christ is our Wonderful Savior AND a demanding boss to whom we must account. When Jesus returns, will He find that you have...