If you’re stuck where best thinking has got you, it’s time to change your thinking.
God won’t force Himself into your heart, but He does want to change you and heal the hurt behind your destructive behaviors.
How does change happen? Often, change begins with a crisis; the journey of changing is a process. The process of change is hard work.
And if you fail in the process? Return to the crisis. Remember why you began this journey and get help that will help you continue.
Let’s Reject the Voice of Rejection. Refuse to accept what our failures say – and lean into how the God who made us sees us.
Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith.
For more information on James MacDonald Ministries, or to subscribe for devotionals and ministry updates visit: jamesmacdonaldministries.org
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