What Does It Mean to Fear God? The one David feared is the One he trusted…
In Psalm 25, David is in desperate need of rescue – and cries out to God in reverance and fear.
Fear is the attitude of heart that seeks a right relationship to the fear source. The one David feared is the One he trusted. And so can we.
Come, worship, and let’s dig in!
Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith.
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Subscribe for devotionals and ministry updates: https://jamesmacdonaldministries.org/ Follow on social media: IG: http://bit.ly/JamesMacDonald-IG FB: http://bit.ly/JamesMacDonald-FB TW: http://bit.ly/JamesMacDonald-TW Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight...
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