How you think makes a difference. It is an outflow of walking in the flesh or walking in the Spirit. Do you find yourself in desire fulfillment mode? Or do you have the faith required to delay personal satisfaction as you chase the purposes of God? This sermon from Romans 8 will help you take your troubles out of the temporary context and put them in an eternal one.
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Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith.
When it’s hardest to love – when it’s personal and painful, – you must humble yourself. Humility is an action, not a concept. But...
If you’re feeling under resourced or carrying a heavy load, it’s no surprise. God has made no provision for you to live the Christian...
Where would we be without Christmas? How dark would this world be without the light of Christ? What would we do if we didn’t...