Latest Episodes

Accept Rejection Now (Part 2)
Spiritual warfare. It is a hard and heavy journey. Before you know it, you’ll be in a box – ego, pride and circumstance are...

Accept Rejection Now
What is the biggest hurt impacting your life today? Too often, we’re looking for freedom but stuck in our hurt. Some injuries are recent,...

Why Rock Bottom?
If you’re curious about what’s happening here with Act Like Men, don’t miss this Bible-based teaching from Rock Bottom. Authentic means be your true...

What I Think When Things Go Bad
Ever have so many bad days it seems everything’s going wrong? When your life is finally going in the right direction, when you’re focused...

New Power For The DIscouraged
Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith. For more information...

Destroying the Strongholds in My Disposition
True brotherhood is ready to join you in warfare. A brother is with you in the trenches, even at your worst. And our war...